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Weight Management Using SVETOL® (Green Coffee Bean Extract)

The issue of weight management is becoming an ever-present theme in today’s society, as is evident in the various forms of media that we are exposed to daily. No matter what media, weight loss ads seem to be a mainstay nowadays. This is probably largely due to the fact that an alarming number of the population is now suffering from the problem of obesity. Therefore, the demand for weight loss products, programs, and procedures is on an all-time high.

Natural ways for weight management now seem to be the latest fad in the weight loss market. Plant extracts and methods for reducing weight that are rooted in traditional medicine are beating surgical fat removal techniques and other radical means of losing weight in popularity. One of the in-things at the moment is SVETOL®, the green coffee bean extract that has the ability to burn the excess fat stored in the body.

Special Green Coffee Beans

When we think of coffee beans, the image that often comes to mind is of brown seeds. This is because whenever coffee beans are shown on television or in photos, it’s almost always in an ad for coffee (the beverage). This requires ripened coffee beans that have been roasted.

The coffee seeds that are used in weight loss supplements are immature beans, and this is why they are still green in color. Coffee beans only turn brown (sometimes yellowish or reddish) as they mature. Furthermore, the active ingredients in green coffee beans that are behind its fat-burning properties are lost in the roasting process. Green coffee beans where SVETOL® is derived are therefore the unroasted, unripe type of seeds.

A Coffee Extract That Burns Fat

SVETOL® is the term for the decaffeinated natural extract of green coffee beans of the Robusta (Coffea canephora robusta Pierre) variety. It is rich in active components that have powerful antioxidant properties and are called cholorogenic acids. Further research into these active ingredients also indicates that these chlorogenic acids found in SVETOL® are capable of burning fat and reducing blood sugar levels.

SVETOL® Improves Metabolism

Studies show that by improving metabolism, the chlorogenic acids in SVETOL® help delay fat absorption from dietary sources. The cholesterol in the body is then utilized as fuel to generate energy, eliminating the possibility of cardiovascular diseases that may arise from the clogging of cholesterol in the arteries. Appetite is also curbed as a result, and food cravings are controlled as the stored fats are burned for energy instead.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Supplements

Weight loss supplements with the extract of green coffee beans are commercially available, usually in pill form, and are quite popular in the market these days. They can be added to your diet plan as part of your weight loss regimen. Green coffee bean extract weight loss supplements with SVETOL® can be a safe and effective natural way to manage your weight. You should give these products a try if you are looking for the weight management program that best fits you.

SVETOL® is a registered trademark of Naturex, Inc.
